What we practice in private we are rewarded for in public…
Have you heard of the overnight success?
It’s that band, vocal artist, football team, tennis player, piano player, business entrepreneur…
One minute their not there and then they appear from nowhere and we say that they are an overnight success…
Yeah right…
An overnight success that spent the last 20 years learning their craft behind closed doors…
They spent their evenings and weekends locked away somewhere learning their craft…
They wake up while everyone else is still sleeping to practice their craft…
They stay up late practicing their craft while others go to bed…
They decline social events because they are working on their craft while others are socialising…
They don’t take holidays so they can practice there craft while others have holidays…
When they come out of hiding and expose themselves to the world with their awesome skills and we say they are an overnight success…
Listen up…
To master any skill is takes time, patience, dedication, repetition, perseverance and a lot of sucking before we can master it…
The ability to focus NOW and do the work for a prize in the future is not everyone’s cup of tea…
We are surrounded with multiple distractions to get our attention that gives us immediate gratification…
There in lies one of the 21 centuries challenges of ignoring distractions, instant gratification and postponing that endorphin rush to a time in the future…
Not easy…
Understand this…
When we have a MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION to be a genius in one specific area of our life and only focus on that, then all these other distractions will start to disappear…
Keeping our focus solely on our MAGNIFICENT OBSESSION will empower us to do our work behind closed doors until we are ready to show up and share with the world our contribution…
Here’s the deal…
We all have greatness inside of us and only those who are willing to put in the work will have an opportunity to share their greatness with the world…
Start working on our overnight success NOW…