What We Hate Just Maybe Our Gate
One of the things I really detested and hated doing was any form of public speaking or been at the Center of Attention in a room…
I would really avoid it and this type of Behavior ran my life…
I would avoid workshops, seminars, training, and most environments where there was more than a few people gathered in one place…
I was so afraid of been asked to get up and speak…
This fear / hate really controlled my life…
I remember very vividly as if it was only yesterday when my mate shortly after leaving school fell in love and was going to get married…
He asked me to give a speech at his wedding…
I hated and feared public speaking so much that I declined and said I was already busy…
This was controlling my life…
When I reflect back now I feel embarrassed and ashamed I could let this control my life…
Listen up…
Stop it Paul, stop it…
I got so sick of my Behavior, hate and fear I public speaking I made a decision to face it head on…
I joined Toastmasters, a public speaking group, I started to put myself in situations that would allow me to overcome my hate and fear of public speaking…
I attended training, workshops, seminars and started my journey of growth and development in this area…
Understand this…
My hate has now become my gate…
Public speaking, feeling comfortable around others, been able to speak and communicate on my feet has revolutionised my life and opened up so many doors and opportunities for me…
Here’s the deal…
Find out your hate (easy job, you already know) and master it, get so proficient at it that it will become the love of your life…
If you can do this, life will never be the same again…
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/OaDDXzrwbm4