Member-only story
The Power Of Sharing In A Workshop Environment....
I just stepped out of a corporate training event this morning and would like to share one of the processes we conducted during our training....
I find that the more interaction and engagement with the attendees the higher the retention rate of knowledge and application of the same knowledge...
We had one sharing about 1 positive event in your life because of your good communication and one sharing about 1 negative event in your life because of your poor communication....
The 20 staff all shared their 2 experiences.....
It was a wonderful process to experience and see where staff member were having challenges in their communication and what we could do to correct it...
We came up with some awesome solutions....
At the end of our training we had our final sharing...
We asked 2 question, what did you like most about the training and what one thing will you do to implement from today's training?....
Well, guess what....
They all loved the different stories from their work colleagues during the workshop and they are going to use the various solutions we came up with during the session....