The Person With The Most Flexible Behavior Will Control The System…
This is a presupposition that is well known in the circles of NLP…
It’s a wonderful concept to be aware of in business or personal life when working with other people…
Marie went to see a Behavioral psychologist because she was having trouble controlling her child’s behavior…
Can you give me an example of this misbehavior you are experiencing with your daughter Sally, said the Doctor…
Yes, just yesterday we were doing the grocery shopping and Sally kept taking chocolates, biscuits, and toys from the shelves and putting them in the shopping trolley…
When I take them out of the trolley and back on the shelves Sally gets very upset, screams and cries, she even lies on the ground and kicks her arms and legs in protest…
Ah… I see said the Doctor…
I have the perfect solution that will stop this type of behavior so you don’t have the problem again…
Oh, that’s wonderful Doctor, thank you so much…
What’s the solution?…
When Sally is acting out next time and lies on the floor, cries, and kicks her arms and legs…
You lie on the ground and do exactly the same and in a matter of seconds, Sally will be telling you to get off the ground and stop crying…
Oh said Marie, I could never do that…
Stop. Listen up…
“ The person with the most flexible Behavior controls the situation”…
Marie is fixed in her Behavior and is not willing to be flexible enough to get her desired outcome with her daughter Sally…
Understand this…
In the workplace the more flexible we are with our behavior the better our results and experience will be…
It’s not about being right or wrong, it’s about getting our outcomes and results…
It’s a key skill to develop not just with people but with systems, processes, and procedures as well…
Here’s the deal…
Develop the skill to be more flexible in our Behavior by having at least 3 possible options for each situation that arises on a regular basis that will allow us to keep moving forward towards our desired outcomes…
Focus on solutions, and build the muscle of flexibility in our Behavior until we reach our desired win/win outcomes…
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
Free Masterclass Training, How To Get More Successful Outcomes In Your Professional & Personal Relationships… By Saying “NO” (The Right Way)…