Paul Simos
2 min readNov 22, 2018

The NLP Communication Model

The NLP Communication model is important because it allows us to re-program our thinking, emotions, behaviors to be EMPOWERING…

Frank decides to buy an awesome high powered computer programmed with graphic illustration, photo shop and other top of the range programmes for his graphic design business…

He orders the computer and now waits patiently for 5 days as they set up and load all his new programs…

Frank collects his new computer and can’t wait to get to his office, fire it up and rip into it so he can start delivering his clients projects…

He turns it on and immediately realises there’s a problem…

All the programs he ordered are not on the computer…

They loaded someone else’s programs on his computer…

Without these particular graphic design programs Frank can’t. do his work and get the results for his clients…

The computer technician loaded all the wrong programs on to Franks computer and now it useless to him and he can’t get his desired outcomes…


Our body and mind are the same, it’s a computer and is programmed from birth and early childhood by our parents, family, society, culture etc…

If we are not getting the results we want in life it could be because we are running the wrong programs in our…

⁃ Health…

⁃ Relationships…

⁃ Communication…

⁃ Careers…

⁃ Family…

⁃ Finances…

⁃ Life purpose…

Which our producing the wrong results and outcomes in our life…

Understand this…

Our programs our producing the results in our life whether we like it or not…

If your not happy with the results take a close look at the programs you are running…

Here’s the deal…

Working with the NLP Communication Model we can CREATE A NEW PROGRAM that will give us the results that we DO WANT…

This is a priceless tool that many of us are not aware…

Once we re-program ourselves in alignment with what we do want…

Life will never be the same again…

