Reality is a print out of our internal world
Just imagine for a few moments that your sitting at your desk in front of your computer and you just finished typing a document…
You print it out the document and notice you have a typo so you need to correct it…
You reach for an eraser and start to rub out the mistake and correct the document…
It looks great now so you print out another copy…
What the…
The typo is still there as if I never touched it…
You grab your eraser and pen again. and get to work on fixing the typo…
Then you print out the document again thinking that you have really fixed the problem this time…
Much to your dismay the problem is still there…
You pull out a 200 page manual on how to fix typos and start to study it before you tackle the correction a third time…
Ridiculous Huh?…
Here’s the rub…
Reality is a printout of our internal world on 3 different levels…
Mental, emotion, spiritual = physical reality…
What we are doing in our internal world of thought is a print out into our reality…
When we are not experiencing the reality we want we need to go inside, go internal to correct the blueprint…
Many of us keep trying to change our reality (the document) and wonder why we keep producing the same old results…
Stop it! Stop it!
Spend more time understanding your inner world because that’s where all our blueprints for life exist…
We need to be working on our blueprints otherwise our results will only be short lived and we will be spinning our wheels wondering why…
I can’t get the lasting results I want in my…
⁃ Relationships…
⁃ Finances…
⁃ Career…
⁃ Health…
⁃ Family…
⁃ Communication…
Stop trying to changing other people, stop trying to change your reality…
Once you have worked on your internal blueprint, take massive action in reality…
With your feedback you just may need to go back to the blueprint until you get your most PERFECT REALITY…