Power of Self Talk
I talked myself into it…
A few weeks ago I was attending a church service and it was very hot, I was very hot…
As I’m feeling the heat and my body getting hotter and hotter I noticed something…
I noticed my internal dialogue (self talk) and this is what it sounded like…
⁃ It’s too hot in here…
⁃ I’m getting hotter…
⁃ I’m sweating…
⁃ I can’t cool down…
With this self talk I felt my body temperature increasing…
Then, all of a sudden a strange thought popped into my mind…
My mind went on a journey all the way back to one of my Fire Walks with Tony Robbins…
While walking across the hot coals Tony told us many important things to do and for some reason this one really stuck in my mind…
Tony said, repeat the words “cool Moss” (cool Grass) over and over and over again as we walked on the hot coals….
There is a very important reason for this…
“Where the focus goes the energy flows”…
I’m now half way through the church service and I start saying “cool moss, cool moss, cool moss, over and over again…
In a matter of minutes my body starts to feel cooler…
I now noticed a breeze from the fan blowing across my body…
My temperature was dropping, I was feeling more comfortable…
Listen up…
We create our own reality starting with our thoughts…
Every thought we have will manifest into reality if we hold it long enough in our mind and give it energy…
Understand this…
Pay very particular attention to your thoughts as we are all creating our reality second by second, minute by minute…
Here’s the deal…
Slow down, observe your thoughts and internal dialogue and make sure it is inline with what you really want to create in your life…