Over Deliver Mindset for Awesome Results
Over deliver Mindset for awesome results is a mindset we can develop in everything that we do.
Why have an over deliver mindset? The reason is based on doing more, achieving more, serving more people. When we serve more people and over deliver it creates good will, builds rapport, adds value, creates customers for life and it creates an air of reciprocity in our universe.
It also releases all those lovely chemicals in our body that makes us feel AWESOME, gives us an abundance of ENERGY and is perfect for creating a HEALTHY BODY.
How do we over deliver in the different areas of our lives and where is a great place to start?
We over deliver by serving the person who is in front of us selflessly. We give them our full attention and we deliver more than we have promised and more than they are expecting. All our focus in on them and how we can serve them.
Love Relationship:
Remember how we cherished our partner when we were first dating? We would do anything for our sweetheart. Their word is our command. We would listen and serve them without question. Now we have been married for 7, 14, 21 years the best way to have an over deliver mindset would be to date them again as if we were just meeting them for the very first time.
Cherish your family members, friends and colleagues the same way as if you are meeting them for the very first time.
Customers & Clients:
Learn how to cherish them as if they are family members because they are. We are all connected in this universe and based on this principle, how we treat anyone outside of ourselves is how we are treating ourselves. Cherish them, serve them, bend over backwards to create a win/win situation in all business transactions.
Discover how to cherish ourselves and respect ourselves similar to the way we treat our partner, family, friends, customer and clients. Once again, we are all connected, so how we treat ourselves will be impacting everyone else in the world on some level.
How do we over deliver on ourselves?
– Eat well, exercise and look after our physical body…
— Be kind to ourselves in thought, word and action…
— We respect our environment, people, places & things…
— Learn and grow increasing our awareness…
— We contribute and serve…
We treat ourselves like we would treat our best friend.
Once we learn to over deliver and look after ourselves it is so much easier and enjoyable to cherish every other person we come in contact with.
We are all connected so when we over deliver on one, we are over delivering on everyone.
Developing an over deliver mindset for awesome results is something we all want to aspire too.
Understand this…
When we have the mindset of “we are all one and connected” it is easier to adjust our behavior towards ourselves and everyone around us.
Start to over deliver towards yourself and everyone else and watch the transformation, magic, peace of mind and purpose guide your life to the land of Mega Living.
Remember to join me on Face Book where all the action happens.
Originally published at bigvisionlifecoach.com on November 27, 2018.