Our World of Energy
Raise Your Energy Raise Your Vibration… 🚀
We are all made of energy which is moving at different vibrational levels…
Now you may or may not know that similar energies will attract each other while dissimilar energies will repel…
Everything we have in our life has come to us through vibrational similarities…
It’s a universal law of nature…
If I want to attract something I don’t have in my life yet, I will need to shift my energy vibrational levels to attract it…
What is it that you want in your life that you don’t have?…
⁃ Outstanding health…
⁃ Peace of mind…
⁃ Happy disposition…
⁃ Soul mate…
⁃ Dream job…
⁃ More money…
Possibly you can think of a few of your own…
So the question is, how do I shift my energy, raise my vibration to attract all these wonderful things I want that are vibrating at a different frequency?…
Let’s look at the example of Health…
What are the thoughts, words behaviors, habits and actions of a healthy person?…
• The things this person is doing is attracting their good health
What are the thoughts, words, behaviors, habits and actions of an unhealthy person?…
• The things this person is doing is attracting their bad health
We already know what their doing to get their results…don’t we!
Listen up…
Our thoughts, words and actions will determine our level of vibration and attract the same into our life…
Understand this…
Find someone in life that has what you want in any area of life and model them (do what they do) because they have already figured out how to vibrate to get what they have…
Here’s the deal…
You must want it so bad that you are going to burn your bridges, find someone that has what you want, (health, soul mate, money) and model them in thought, word and action…
This will raise your energy and vibration level to enjoy what they are already enjoying…
It’s the recipe to attract and enjoy all those lovely things we want to surround ourselves with in life…