Opinions of Others
In My Life are My Family & Friends Thoughts, Opinions & Plans for Me More Important Than My own?…
Everyone in life has an opinion…
⁃ Mum & Dad…
⁃ Brothers & sisters…
⁃ Husband & wife…
⁃ Neighbors…
⁃ Friends…
⁃ Work colleagues…
Even the bus driver and hairdresser will give you free advice how to run your life…
Ask 10 people for their opinion and the odds are you will get back 10 different opinions Back…
What’s the solution?…
We all have our own answers inside of us…
In a coaching session, even the coach doesn’t have any answers for you…
The coach will assist in YOU coming up with your own answers…
A few years ago a 53 year old man asked me what he should do next in his life…
I only just met him and I believe he was more equipped in answering that question than me…
The coach will explain how things work, give some examples, tell metaphors & stories while the client processes this information they will know what their next step is to be…
Understand this…
We all have a blueprint or map of the world in our head of OUR own life experiences and everyone’s map is different…
Sure… we can ask advice, get opinions yet at the end of the day we know ourselves better than anyone else…
Listen up…
Sometimes we may have to shut down the opinion of others that we know will not work for us and go deep inside and find our own answers…
It’s a process with many different ways and support to find our direction or next step…
Here’s the deal…
We are all unique and have our own mission to fulfil in life…
No two people are the same…
Work on yourself so hard and deep that you know yourself from inside out…
Be sensitive to feedback based on who you are and keep moving in the direction you believe you want to move, enjoy the journey and life will never be the same again…