Next step after Attending a Workshop
What’s the next step after we have attended a training or workshop, where do I go from here?…
Firstly, why do we attend workshops, seminars, certifications and trainings?…
I’m not sure about you…
For me it is to learn specific content and get it into my bones so I can use it in my life and share it with others…
These days before I attend a workshop to learn some specific content I will study the content before attending so when I show up it is already familiar to me…
During the training I now have an opportunity to go deeper in this same content and make more distinctions…
Then after the training I will go learn the same content and find other sources to go deeper again so I get it in my bones…
After that Action, Action, Action…
Start applying the content in my life so it becomes part of my DNA…
Listen up…
When do we really know something?..
We really only know something when we practice it and it’s in our bones…
We invest our resources of time, energy and money to attend trainings so why stop half way…
Play full out until that information is in our bones and we are practicing it…
Going to a workshop is an introduction to specific content…
After the workshop is when the real study and learning happens…
It takes time for our brains (mine anyway) to assimilate new knowledge…
Understand this…
After attending any training Please, Please, Please keep studying it so it’s in your bones and your using it…
Here’s the deal…
If we went DEEP in just half of our knowledge and applied it in our lives…
Life would be MAGICAL because in reality we are rewarded for taking action on what we know not on how much we know…