My Parents Are Always Telling Me How to Live My Life!
It is the TET Season now which is the start of the Chinese New Year…
Here in Vietnam, it’s the tradition to return to your parent's place in the provinces and home towns…
It’s a lovely time of the year to kick back and relax with family and friends…
One of the challenges I hear of adults going back home to visit their parents is a conflict in beliefs and Behavior…
Different generations have different ideas and beliefs, hence different ways of running their lives…
Even though we may think our way is more updated and better, other people have their own way of operating…
One of the beliefs as a coach, if you like, is to “respect the other person's model of the world”…
It’s a great presupposition for everyone to adopt that will make all of our lives more comfortable and enjoyable…
Essentially, this is how it works in practice…
For example…
We respect our parent's beliefs and the way they want to run their lives…
It doesn’t mean we agree…
It just means we respect their way of doing things…
It’s not our job to change our parents or anyone unless they specifically asked for help…
When we respect our parents this way we too ask for the same respect to live our lives, as adults, the way we want to live them…
Listen up…
So to make our visit back home more enjoyable please, please remember to respect the other person's model of the world, listen to them, enjoy their company, and support them with your presence and attention which doesn’t mean you agree…
If we listen to and observe their model of the world, who knows, we may even learn something…
There’s no right or wrong, in this case, it’s just a choice and if it works for them, great…
Understand this…
When I would call mom to see what she wanted for the New Year, she would always say, Paul, I don’t need anything other than spending time with you…
It brings a tear to my eye now that mom is already in a happy place…
Here’s the deal…
When visiting our parents this TET Season or any other time, just be there with them as I’m sure that’s all that they really want…
Love your parents…
Paul Simos is an accomplished Executive Life Coach, Health Coach & Certified Trainer.
He has a fundamental belief about his clients which frames how they work together i.e. they already have everything they need to achieve success. His role as a coach is to stimulate and challenge his clients to unlock their successful beliefs, skills, and behavior patterns.
Free Masterclass Training, How To Get More Successful Outcomes In Your Professional & Personal Relationships… By Saying “NO” (The Right Way)…