My Body is Trying to Get My Attention
As I continue to enjoy my few days in Da Lat surrounded by nature I have plenty of time to think and reflect on many things…
This morning I was reflecting on how my body was trying to get my attention when I was running my business in Sydney Australia many years ago…
I was & had…
⁃ 110 kilos…
⁃ High blood pressure…
⁃ Acres and pains in my body…
⁃ High cholesterol…
⁃ Sugar levels were through the roof…
⁃ Poor focus….
⁃ Short concentration…
Just to name a few of my symptoms…
Yes, they were symptoms of a greater CAUSE…
This was my beings way of getting my attention and saying…
“Hey Paul, wake up, wake up, look what you are doing to yourself”…
“Stop it Paul, stop it”…
My being kept creating symptoms in my body to get my attention to stop doing Life this way…
I continued to live the same lifestyle and my Symptoms got worst and worst and worst…
Until one day after I left the doctors office in a sad and somber state and slowly made my way home…
When I arrived at home I looked at myself in the mirror and said, “Paul, Paul, what have you done to yourself, what have you done to yourself”…
I stood there for how long, I’m not sure…
At that point I made the decision to change my life, change my lifestyle, change the way I was showing up in life, change the way I was interacting with life…
I sold my business, worked on my physical body, mental body, emotional body, spiritual body…
I went in search for answers…
I travelled to many different countries and in India studied yoga and meditation…
I worked hard looking for answers and turned my life around…
Now I help others to identify and back track their Symptoms to The ROOT CAUSE of their physical challenges…
Understand this…
Listen to your body as it is communicating to you to change or stop what you are doing…
Address the root cause and your symptoms will disappear…
Here’s the deal…
Get back to nature, slow your mind down for a while so you can really see what’s going on in your life…
Address the Root Cause of your challenges…
That’s what I did and I have never, ever, ever looked back…