Paul Simos
2 min readDec 20, 2018

Law of Attraction

What do we do when we are looking for an answer or some specific information like…

⁃ How to stop pop ups on my desk top computer…

⁃ Where to buy a book…

⁃ Look for a street address…

⁃ Get some more information on a topic or subject I’m researching…

We go to Google…

⁃ We jump onto our desktop. computer or hand held device…

⁃ Bring up the Google search box…

⁃ Type in our request…

⁃ Hit enter…

Then Google will go out on the World Wide Web and search for our request and then bring us back all the results and information that it finds…

There can be 100's or even 1000's of results on one search term…


Stop. Listen up…

Our super computer brains are exactly the same…

Who do you think Google modelled their concept from?…


Yes, our super brain…

Understand this…

Whatever I focus my mind on consistently throughout the day, week and year it will be attracted to me…

Everything that we want in life already exists and for us to use the Law of Attraction to bring it into our reality we need to focus on it long enough for it to materialise…

Our brain is like a GPS, we are in charge of putting in the information to attract back to ourselves those very same things and take us to our destination…

We are in control of our own Law of Attraction Brain and GPS Guidance System…

The challenge is that many of us think about and talk about ALL DAY LONG the PROBLEM, what we DON’T WANT, what’s NOT WORKING…

Then we attract more of all of these same things we DON’T WANT…


Our mind works in picture information so it doesn’t understand the word DON’T…

When we say…

“I don’t want to be poor / broke”…

It just brings up pictures of poor and broke and this is how we attract the things into our life we DON’T WANT….


DON’T think of Donald Trump…

What happened?…

Hahahaha…yes, that’s right…

Your mind could no help but bring up many pictures and images of Donald Trump even though I said DON’T…

Some of your images were great, others not so great, now that’s another story…

*Go to Google and type in “Don’t show me information about Donald Trump”, and see what comes back*

Here’s the deal…


Only think about, only talk about WHAT YOU DO WANT…


⁃ I’m getting healthier and healthier every day as I’m exercising more regularly and eating wholesome foods…

⁃ My income is increasing as I add more value to my clients, customers and the world…

Got it?…Good…

This is the LAW OF ATTRACTION, this is the CREATION MODEL…


Paul Simos
Paul Simos

Written by Paul Simos

Executive Master Coach & Author

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