Paul Simos
2 min readDec 22, 2018

Human Nature V’s Human Spirit

Change is tough and for many of us it can be a real struggle…

What about those that appear to be in control who change and grow rapidly?…

Is it any easier for them than the rest of us?…

No, we all need to face the battle of change and growth…

This battle is between our human nature and our human spirit…

Our human nature is lazy and will only do what is needs to do to survive and feel good and no more…

Our human nature is stuck in survival mode and as long as it is alive, breathing, feels comfortable and relaxed its happy…

Now with our human spirit it’s a different story…

Our human spirit is designed to learn, grow, develop and expand…

If our human spirit is not learning, growing and expanding, it’s not happy…

So we have this constant friction, this pushing up against, this battle between our human nature and human spirit which is creating this spinning wheels effect in our lives to our moving forward growing, developing and expanding…

What’s the answer?…


We need to whip our human nature, like a rebellious child, into line to follow the instructions of our human spirit which is the higher faculty of our being…

Are you walking the dog or is the dog walking you?…

Once you start playing hard ball with your human nature, watch it step up, shape up, jump into line like a well behaved child…

Understand this…

How do we do it?….

Here is a great start…

⁃ Get our body active…

⁃ Exercise regularly…

⁃ Limit our food intake, get rid of excess…

⁃ Get up early and get our body moving…

⁃ Don’t over sleep…

⁃ Discipline our body out of survival mode…

⁃ Create daily rituals for our body to stay disciplined…

Once we have a strong, disciplined, ready to serve body we then allow our human spirit to lead our body into expansion, growth and change which is so much easier with a disciplined body ready to serve…

Here’s the deal…

Once we have disciplined our body and built a strong disciplined muscle, we can now use that same muscle in all the other areas of our life to create all the results and outcomes we want now and in 2019…

Merry Christmas…


Paul Simos
Paul Simos

Written by Paul Simos

Executive Master Coach & Author

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