Member-only story
How To Increase Your Confidence And Feel Good About Yourself
Have you ever had a time when you were very confident and felt good about yourself?
Do you have a specific time?...
Go back to that time right now in your minds eye, what do see, what do you hear, what do your feel, smell or taste as you go back to that memory where you were very confident and felt good about yourself....
As you relive that confidence and feeling good about yourself, how do you feel right now...
Answer: I'm confident and feel good about myself....
That's how you feel, isn't it?...
That's right...
Listen up...
Whatever we focus on in our minds eye, memory or imagination we create those feelings in our body...
Whatever pictures we bring up in our mind will make us happy or sad or something in between...
I met a young man yesterday who was visibly sad and asked him what was he thinking about?
Very quickly he started telling me about the problem of being stressed and tired because of his job...
The very same day I met a lady who was visibly happy and asked her what she was thinking about?...