Hit the Bullseye on the Target
Sam loves archery and goes to the shooting range almost weekly…
Sam was out of town one week and still wanted to go archery shooting…
He found a small range not too far from his hotel…
Sam arrived around 8 am for a couple of hours practice…
He received his equipment and made his way to the shooting range and set himself up for his practice…
Sam looks out into the shooting range and doesn’t see any targets…
He looks across at other shooters and they too don’t have any targets…
They are shooting their arrows down the range into thin air with no targets…
How can I hit my bullseye if their are no targets…
This is absolutely madness…
Wouldn’t you agree?…
This is how many of us play the game of life…
We have no goals or targets in life…
We just shoot our energy and focus aimlessly into life and hope something good will happen…
Absolute madness…
Understand this…
If we have no targets or goals in life we will be working on someone else’s targets and goals…
Listen up…
We already know how to set targets and goals so don’t give the excuse we don’t know how to do it…
When we go on holidays, how carefully do we plan, organise and book our complete holiday down to the exact detail…
Here’s the deal…
If you are happy where you are at, keep running your life with no specific targets…
On the other hand…
If you want to access the abundance of life that already exist on this planet get cracking like a kid on the 4th of July, get some targets and goals of what you want, take massive action and don’t stop until you get them…🎯