Happy Valentines Day – Love Yourself
Today, Valentines Day, my mind went all the way back to Australia to a time when I was coaching young mothers about life Balance…
Many of the young mothers would come to me feeling stressed, burnt out, frustrated and were stuck…
On top of that their own health was starting to be impacted with weight gain been one of the symptoms…
During our coaching conversation they would tell me how busy they were and had no time to look after themselves…
They were….
⁃ Working a full time job…
⁃ Looking after the children…
⁃ Cooking meals…
⁃ Cleaning the house…
⁃ Even had to manage their husband…
The list was longer and you get the picture…
These moms are SUPER MOMS…
They would tell me how they had a short fuse and would get angry at the smallest inconvenience…
Have you ever experienced this before?…
I fully understand their predicament and can see the challenge…
Listen up…
I would explain how they need to look after themselves first, before anyone else…
They were shocked that I say such a thing….
“It’s selfish”, they would say, to look after themselves first…
Understand this…
It’s selfish, If we don’t look after ourselves first, fill our own cup with self love, respect, kindness…otherwise we will have an empty cup and nothing to give our family and friends…
All we will have left to give them will be upset, impatience and anger which is a lose/lose for everyone…
Here’s the deal…
This very special day, Valentines Day, is a great reminder to love and take care of ourselves first so we have a lot to give those special souls in our life…
Happy Valentines Day…
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/aPW2EbjKDbE