Going Forwards Looking Backwards
I was having an exploratory conversation yesterday with a lovely couple from Melbourne to see how I could support them with their current concerns and challenges…
We got on to the subject of past problems and challenges and even though they are in the past people still give them a lot of energy…
Then they wonder why they aren’t able to create a wonderful present moment and future…
Now imagine your going to drive your car from Melbourne to Sydney which is a 12 hour drive…
You pack the car with all your luggage, check the tyres, oil and water ready for your big trip…
You get comfortable in the drivers seat, steering wheel in hand, ready to start driving…
Now listen up…
Just as you are about to pull out of your parking place and focus your eyes on the road in front of you, you do a very strange thing…
You look up into the review mirror, into the past, what’s behind you, taking your eye off the road in front of you where you want to go…
You want to go to Sydney which is forward yet you keep your eyes on the review mirror pointing into the past…
What do you think is going to happen?…
Yes, that’s right…
⁃ Disaster…
⁃ Danger…
⁃ Frustration…
⁃ Go slow / go nowhere…
⁃ Resistance…
It will be a complete disaster…
Understand this…
Many of us run our lives this way, we want to move forward yet we are fixated on the past, keep think about the past, keep talking about the past, keep looking into the past and therefore continue to create past experiences in their present moment and rarely achieve their dreams and goals…
Here’s the deal…
Sort your past out once and for all, take the learning lessons from it, turn around and face in the direction you DO want to go…
Then throw your whole body, mind, emotion and spirit into THAT and make magic happen in your life NOW…