Paul Simos
2 min readDec 31, 2018

Goal Setting for Beginners – One Goal

It’s that time of the year when we are all been reminded to set our goals for 2019…

Now when you hear this I know there are various different responses like…

⁃ I hate goal setting…

⁃ It doesn’t work..,

⁃ It’s too complicated…

⁃ Oh….sh_t, where do I start…

⁃ Wonderful…I’ll do it later…

If any of those responses sound like you I have the perfect system for you…

Listen up big time…

I’ve been trialling this ONE GOAL SYSTEM for the last 14 months and it works perfectly well…

Let me share with you a couple of examples…

In October 2017 I made a decision to set one goal and to work on it daily…

The goal was to write 1 Face Book post a day for 1 year…

It was a business Goal…

This was my commitment…

It was challenging to start…

⁃ It was painful…

⁃ What will I say…

⁃ How will I say it…

⁃ What will people think…

⁃ How will I do it…

Everyday now for 14 months I have never missed a day in writing a Face book post…

When I focused on one goal only MAGIC HAPPENED…

I had to grow to overcome my challenge of “I don’t know”…

Then I received many benefits, the main benefit was I build my muscle of CONSISTENCY…

With this same muscle of consistency already in my body I chose a second GOAL…

To create a video every day for 1 year and post it on YOUTUBE…

Today is Episode #96 and I have not missed a day…

I’ve learned a whole bunch of things, I’ve grown, I’m still learning, I have more consistency in my body to continue setting ONE GOAL and drive it to completion while growing at the same time…

Here’s the deal…

⁃ Pick ONE GOAL in the area of your life where you know it needs the most attention now…

⁃ You know, this one goal, when you master it, it will have a huge positive impact on your whole life…

⁃ Commit to a time frame, 3, 6, 12 months…

⁃ Take daily action steps on your goal…

This process is about CONSISTENCY NOT QUANTITY…

Our job is to build consistency in our Behavior and create a positive habit in our life…

Once we build a strong, solid and powerful consistency muscle in our body it becomes much easier to apply it to other areas of our life in the ONE GOAL SYSTEM…

This is the baby step we need to take to GROW and become an AWESOME GOAL SETTER…

Goal setting is about growing into our new reality to enjoy more of the things we want in life…



Paul Simos
Paul Simos

Written by Paul Simos

Executive Master Coach & Author

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