Focusing on The Problem V’s The Solution
In growing and operating a business, in living life we are constantly growing and learning through challenges that arise…
The quicker we overcome the challenge / problem and find a solution the quicker we get the learning and step forward into greener pastures…
Now that’s good in theory and we all know that yet why do many of us get stuck in the problem longer than what’s necessary, longer than we want?…
Because we focus too much on the problem…
Poor mindset behavior (effect)
⁃ It’s not my fault…
⁃ I told them about that…
⁃ He should have done…
⁃ They don’t know what they are doing…
⁃ The market is down…
⁃ People aren’t spending…
This line of thought and behavior is not productive right now, we are not looking for excuses, we are looking for solutions, we want to get out of the problem…
Solution Mindset Behavior (cause)
⁃ Get all the FACTS of the challenge…
⁃ What’s our ultimate outcome we want to achieve…
⁃ Brainstorm as many possible solutions…
⁃ Chose your best 3 in order of priority…
⁃ Start with #1 & Take ACTION…
All our focus is now on the outcome and solution to reaching that outcome…
Where our focus goes the energy flows…
Do we want our energy on the problem or solution?…
Get this…
It’s a conditioned habit, behavior that we have developed and it can be changed through conscious effort…
Do you want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?…
I’ll say it again…
Focus on the solution, the outcome, focus on where you want to go…
Focusing in the past will keep you there…
Sure, once you have your solution and when your not in the emotional state of the problem that’s the best time to do your postmortem to make sure it doesn’t happen again and get further learnings…
Here’s the deal…
Never take your eyes off the outcome and take action working on the solution towards that outcome…
Develop your solution mindset behavior NOW…