Environmental Influences…
Environmental Influences…
My son is exactly like me…
Frank and his wife June were having a quiet moment together reflecting on how their son had many similarities in personality, habits and behaviour as them…
Steven is now 12 years old and is starting to develop his own personality based on his parents…
His personality, beliefs, values and habits are the result of Stevens environmental influences as he was growing up…
Our biggest influences when we are young are our…
⁃ Parents…
⁃ Caretakers…
When we get older and move into different life stages our biggest influence become the…
⁃ School…
⁃ Peer group/friends…
⁃ Government…
⁃ Work colleagues…
⁃ Media…
⁃ Religious institutions…
We are continually been influenced by our environment…
Listen up…
Our environment is shaping who we are and dictating who we will become…
This is a wonderful opportunity to surround ourselves with people and things that will Support us in the direction we want to go in life and who we want to become…
Understand this…
Spend time with people who are already where you want to be and are going in the direction you want to travel in life…
Here’s the deal…
Go to YouTube and follow an influencer who you admire and want to be similar too…
Consume their content, beliefs, values, habits and behaviours and I can guarantee you will start to produce similar results…
Life will never be the same again…