Empowerment Behind Repetition
Do we really appreciate the empowerment behind our daily tasks?…
Building the muscle of daily tasking on the same task is super empowering and very highly Results driven…
Think back to all the positive outcomes in your life and I guarantee that you were consistent in your actions to get those results…
⁃ Fit & strong body…
⁃ Educational knowledge…
⁃ Financial status…
⁃ Depth in Relationships…
⁃ Career accolades…
The repetition in any and all of these areas give us the results we enjoy today…
Alternatively on the other side of the coin, if our daily repetition of actions have been negative they will also deliver negative results…
I don’t need to list them here because you can go back in your mind…Now…and find them or open your eyes and see them…
Listen up…
I’m most probably the worst person for consistency in daily positive actions…
Every day I’m getting better in building my psychological and physical muscle in creating positive daily habits…
Recently I’ve taken on the challenge of doing a daily video for one year…
Today is Episode #110…
Understand this…
Doing one positive task daily over a period of time will create such momentum and consistency in your life it will quickly and easily spread into other areas of your life as well…
Each new daily task you implement gets easier and easier as results rise higher and higher…
Here’s the deal…
Choose one task that you can do daily and COMMIT to doing it daily for an extended period of time (365 Days?…) and watch your results SKYROCKET…
Challenge yourself and do it now…
We are creatures of habit and once we install 1 habit the second, third & fourth become so much easier…
Start with your first one NOW…
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/Rw_tbyq1dSc