Paul Simos
2 min readJan 16, 2019

3 Keys to a Super Strong State

We already mentioned yesterday why it is important to be in a positive emotional state like feeling strong, happy and confident…

Now let’s look at the 3 key elements that we can apply to keep us in this top state…

⁃ Physical body…

⁃ Mental focus…

⁃ Language, self, others…

Moving our physical body regularly and having good posture is a MUST…that’s why some form of daily exercise is a big part of keeping the physical body in good order…

Moving the energy around the body so all its operating systems are functioning 100% is so, so important…

Our body can be a storehouse of energy when we move it the right way…

Our physical body is connected to our nervous system which directly affects our mental focus which is the second key element…

Mental focus is the internal thinking that goes on in our mind. Do we focus primarily on positive things that make us feel good? Or do we focus on negative things that brings us down mentally and make us feel sad?

Very interesting process via our nervous system called the cybernetic loop which means our physical body can affect our mental body and our mental can affect our physical, it works both ways…

Your still with me, aren’t you?…great!..

The final key element to creating and maintaining a super good state is language: Internal & External…

⁃ Internal = how I talk to myself in my mind. Am I kind to myself internally and say positive things to myself? Or am I hard on myself and put myself down?…

⁃ External = Is much the same as what words am I speaking into the world? Are they positive, uplifting, talking about what I do want? Or are they more negative focusing on what I don’t want in my life?

Wow, that was a lot of information and I know you are absorbing and understanding it fully, aren’t you?…

When you re-read it a few more times you will understand it deeply and completely and apply it effortlessly, won’t you?…

Understand this…

Work these 3 key elements to having a powerful super state and the positive results in your life will skyrocket beyond your imagination and what you thought was possible…

Listen up…

These are the 3 keys to managing our emotional state that drive our behavior and results…

I’m in charge of my body & mind, therefore my results…



Paul Simos
Paul Simos

Written by Paul Simos

Executive Master Coach & Author

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